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Danger Doodlez - An Introduction on What to expect

Welcome to Danger Doodlez! Where doodles may or may not be in real danger. An alliterative journey that takes fictional characters on fun, funky and fuckin' weird adventures.

First, Thanks for Reading.

There are many places you could be on the internet but you're here, we thank you! I'll keep this short because the real value comes in the stories I haven't even written yet. I wanted to send many of the doodles that Fox and my other animal friends create on adventures. I want to create a world where they travel, get lost and found. A place where clichés run freely and probably incorrectly. We're going to try to catch lightning in a bottle here and deliver something that might make 2020 suck a little less.

""To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect." - Oscar Wilde" - Wolf

What to Expect

Always expect the unexpected or as I always say. If you expect the unexpected than the unexpected becomes the expected; creating a flawed cycle where you may overlook the things you should have originally expected. In other words, the world is chaos, it's somehow still March 2020 and where there was once children frolicking there is now just me, cigar in hand, whiskey on the rocks, poor grammar on all sides and no end in sight. It's been a ride so far, we might as well keep going right? It'll get wild, it'll get weird but just know. . . It'll always be fun (specifically for me).

"If you expect the unexpected then the unexpected becomes the expected. Thus creating a flawed cycle where you may overlook the things you should have originally expected." - Me (Just know I made it larger down here so you could fixate on it for at least half the time I did when I wrote it)

Danger Doodlez

TL:DR - I'm taking doodles on adventures.


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